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You've completed the Programming Languages house course. We hope that you have enjoyed the course as much as we did.

We've learned so much from creating and teaching the course, from spending hours and hours to prepare enough material to fill a 3 hour lecture, to trying to find many different ways to simply the explanation to a difficult concept, to creating assignments that were just difficult enough to challenge you, to stumbling sometimes during lecture to answer your questions when completely thinking on our feet. We thank you for your patience and support throughout the course, as we participated in this experiment.

We are also happy to announce that Jim Posen, one of our students, will teach this course again in the Fall semester. We have complete confidence in Jim and his ability to master and teach the material. If you've enjoyed the course, please help it continue!

The materials and resources we've created and collected for the course are now all online on this website and open source in our Github Organization. If you have anything to contribute, please send a pull request and we will gladly add it.

Thank you again! And have a fantastic summer!

Kevin and Yang
